Listias rules are pretty simple and easy to follow. Unlike other sites, it does not come with a million and one lines of terms and conditions. It is unacceptable that people won't take the time to read it. Their app, in this aspect, is lacking though. I understand quite a few new users visit through the app. But for anyone who uses the pc to do Listia activities, we know it is just complimentary. Full experience and understanding doesn't happen until you visit the website.
Even so, that is no excuse. I have noticed brand spanking new users using the same rules as other, more experience Listians and I have more confidence in them. The 3 or 4 auctions that they have completed have positive feedback and their products range from high to low end. I have more confidence in them because you can tell they have looked around, probably read the rules, and thought about what they wanted to sell. No one is immune to slip ups. Lord nows, I am not. That doesn't mean it is okay dropping the ball on your first job. It comes off as you weren't willing to do the work(packaging winning item, applying postage and shipping it at post office).
If she had read the rules she wouldn't need to ask about who pays shipping and when she gets her credits. I want a tablet but not in this environment. 1-0 feedback, 0-2 verification, electronics for sale with 0-3 photos with no name attached, little to no information about product either is all forboding to me. Start small, if you are new. Get a few completed auctions in before throwing tablets and smartphones for auction without knowing Listia is legit. It is legit, by the way, but does this even make sense to do as a consumer. My first auction was a studded, graphic tattoo bangle. 5 auctions later, I started seling jewelry, makeup, and clothing.
I also got hit with my first negative feedback as a new seller too. It is still annoying to remember and it is also the reason I hold off on feedback for a few days now. I wish I had the sense to explain my reasoning for the neutral feedback because when people look at it all they will see is the other person saying, "seller NEVER shipped (11 days later) and then left ME neutral feedback????" I had a bill that week and didn't realize it, so instead of shipping the friday I orginally said, I emailed to say I will ship the next Friday. Seller did not email back to say they had an issue with it. Well, that Friday came and just as I was going out the door with my packages, I decided to double check my addresses. Imagine my surprise when I logged in and saw "Action Required: The winner on the following auction is disputing the transaction." in my inbox.
In hindsight, I should not have put soon since it was the morning of shipping. Because she was about to put me in a cruch by shipping off something she had declared (the day I was sending it) that she no longer wanted, I gave her neutral feedback. Plus, I had already packaged, bubbled, addressed, and tapped her item. Had I not logged in at the last minute, her package would've been headed to Wisconson.
Ever helpful, I gave her a refund because that is just my m.o. Afterall, I did try to ship it off a week late. But the me today knows better. She would have not gotten that refund today. It was my first time and I had no idea I could take pictures of reciepts, etc and upload them in a dispute. She also never sent a single email except the day she won and that was to clarify her address. I was the one emailing her. I sent four emails in all. 11 days after the auction ended and her first email, I got a dispute notice. But I sent an email 6 days after the auction ended to say I will ship the following friday. Today is Friday, here is the reciept picture, as you can see she isn't giving me tie to ship, and that would have been a rejected dispute.
I sent her an email from the auction link and personal contact link and this is the last thing I said:
"It would appear that you are angry because I gave you neutral feedback. Against what you probably have assumed, it was not payback, as, I daresay, based on YOUR feedback, yours was motivated by. I actually don't mind giving refunds. Assuming me and the buyer have an understanding, I'll immediately do a refund (which you cannot claimed you have not experienced yourself). You were given neutral feedback because you waited the day I said I was going to ship it to complain. Sometimes I do confirmation, sometimes I don't. If I had shipped it today, I would not have been able to successfully contest your claims. Especially since I had already previously promised to ship it. I would have given you positive feedback if it was contested before Thursday afternoon or after today if I had emailed you with another excuse.
I apologize if this has made you angry but I am not sorry about my rating. I firmly believe that when selling, personal feeling have no place in business. And personal feelings didn't have a thing to do with my rating. It was all about timing and correspondence. If you choose to still be spiteful over something so small, it is your prerogative. Understanding is appreciated, but not necessary. Thank you and better luck to you in the future."
She never replied despite her fake outrage in the feedback. I think her keyboard broke again. After 3 years, it may be time to buy a new one-_-. In another life, I would have been her patron, but we were both new sellers and that interaction definitely left something to be desired. New sellers are not going to be perfect. But as I said already, doesn't mean we cannot try.
In retrospect, I may not be that cynical.
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